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General Purpose Probes

Temperature Probes, general purpose
    HT-1 “Workhorse” Probe for liquids, gases semi-solids. Plastic handle with straight 3” stainless shaft. Not good for surface temps. Max. temp. 400 °C. Time constant 0.5 s. 5 ft.lead. Not isolated.
HT-2 As HT-l but with 9 " shaft. 
    BT-1 For surface temperatures of solids, also for liquids, gases and semi-solids. Probably our best general purpose probe. Welded stainless-steel shaft, plastic handle. Tip is 0.028 " diameter bent at right angle to probe to facilitate accurate surface measurements. 5 ft. lead. Immersible. Max tip temp. 240 °C. Time constant.
    DPT Series Immersion probes for liquid. #304 stainless steel welded shaft, wooden handle. 5 ft. lead. Max. Temp. 400 °C . Time constant 2 s. Not isolated. TFT Series - Immersion probes for corrosive liquids. Similar to DPT series but shaft is Teflon-coated Max. temp. 150 °C.
    PT-6 Sensor Six-Pack. For multi-point measurements. Inexpensive, flexible. Welded sensor beads, tough Kapton insulation, 5 ft. leads. Max. temp. 400 °C. Time constant 0.01 s. Per package of six. Not isolated.
    GT-1 Air and gas probe. 24 " #304 stainless steel shaft, wooden handle. 5 ft. lead. For instant readings of tempe­rature gradients in environmental chambers, freezer boxes, etc.
Max Temp. 200 °C. Min. temp. –200 °C. Isolated.


Time constant is defined as the time required to reach 63 % of final temperature in liquid. An accurate reading is obtained when the reading stops changing, typically 5-10 time constants.

Maximum Temperature refers to intermittent use of a probe. When probe is used for continuous measurements, max. temp. should be reduced by 25 % unless specified.